Oct 2024
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Venice Past and Modern Itinerary
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Discover the perfect itinerary for you and your family to make the most of your stay in Venice

Venice Past and Modern Itinerary

ITINERARY NAME : Venice Past and Modern


What’s this? A cultural Itinerary that will lead you through a mysterious Venice and off the beaten track. A Venice that never ceases to amaze an attentive and curious eye.

Lenght: 4.8 Km

Average travel time: approx .90 minutes - 2.0 hours





The first part of this itinerary develops through the Cannaregio district , the second part through Santa Croce district to end in the Dorsoduro district.  In other words  1279 Cannaregio- Sotoportego Ca’ Pozzo is the starting point  and  701-704  Dorsoduro Calle de La Chiesa Peggy Guggenheim Collection is the ending point. 

This cultural itinerary has  34 reference points which are all visible online  and that can be viewed by clicking on the linked google map.

For instance, the index contains a list of the main squares or “campi” so called in Venetian (i.e. in Venice the name square is “campo”) which will help you to find your way passing through : Campo San Geremia, Campo Santa Margherita. Campo Sant’Angelo Raffaele  to end at the Peggy Guggenheim Museum in calle San Cristoforo .

How to orient yourself during your walk?
For better directions consider Venice as  an interesting maze of streets, alleys, underpasses, narrow alleys all named according to local topography : calle, calletta, sotoportego , ruga ,rughetta, campo ,campiello etc ..

Hint: In case you get lost find the closest “nisioletto” next to you i.e. a “rectangular street sign black on white background” painted  on the side of the buildings which contains the name of the place or street where you find yourself. Therefore you should always look for a “nisioletto ” close to you to be able to find your way.

All clear? Doubts? Let’s use technology!

To find out where you are on the map click on :

In conclusion you can use this itinerary to enjoy discovering unusual hidden paths and take unique photos by simply using  a smart phone or do your homework from home and study the online maps and make the most out of this suggested itinerary.



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